Windows 7 Start Bar - again

I am having the same issue as was reference in this post,

where the Windows 7 start bar disappears except for the start button. My issue is that I am launching new windows from a menu style screen and I only experience this behavior about half the time. For some Windows I open I see the whole bar, for others just the START button.

I see some reference to setting the Window.MenuBarIsVisible to True, but where exactly is that done?


Properties of the Window

in the properties section of the Window I created a Boolean property called MenuBarVisible (yes I also checked MenuBarVisible on the

In the Open Event of the Window I set the MenuBarVisible property = true

But I still keep getting the same result - No Windows Menu Bar - uggh so frustrating. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Your pictures say nothing. Why not post the project for download ?

How do i upload the whole project?

Upload it to your dropbox (subscribe for free at ) and then use the link icon on top of the message to post (immediately on the right after the ab icon).


Ok project is linked for download. Please try not to laugh too hard if you see rookie programming errors. I am very much an amateur.

[quote=128729:@Joseph Proehl]KioskDesktop

Ok project is linked for download. Please try not to laugh too hard if you see rookie programming errors. I am very much an amateur.[/quote]

I am not going to laugh. This looks like a nice project. The issue is that it is far too complex to figure at first glance where is the issue you describe.

What is the window where the menu bar is missing ?

I’m not sure why you created a new property (which won’t do anything), but it looks to me like you need to instead set the MenuBarVisible property to True in your Open event handler. So in WinShopStat, remove the code you added to the Open event handler and put this instead:

Self.MenuBarVisible = True

You can also remove the MenuBarIsVisible property you added as well.

[quote=128743:@Paul Lefebvre]I’m not sure why you created a new property (which won’t do anything), but it looks to me like you need to instead set the MenuBarVisible property to True in your Open event handler. So in WinShopStat, remove the code you added to the Open event handler and put this instead:

Self.MenuBarVisible = True

You can also remove the MenuBarIsVisible property you added as well.[/quote]

That’s it :slight_smile: