Windows 10 DLL

Welcome to Xojo.

There’s quite a few snippets of windows declares around the forum, if they’ve been done already you can usually find them by putting their win32 call into search.

If you need a website to look up the types for conversion, take a look here [LINK REMOVED PER OP REQUEST]

There also GitHub - arbp/WFS: Windows Functionality Suite and GitHub - paullefebvre/winapilib: WinAPI Declare Library for use with Xojo but there’s not been many updates to those in a while, but they can be a good source of info to get you heading down the right track.

And of course Declare — Xojo documentation

Let us know if you still need help, post some snippets and we’ll try to point you in the right direction.

Edit: Ah I see you added some code, to call that you would use

Declare Sub TaskbarShow Lib "my.dll" ()