BS continues to delight me. Has anyone seen a window where only the shadow remained?
In “Picture going missing” (Picture going missing) the NOE happened when showing the about window. After a NOE my app can send me an email. Here is how it looks like in Light Mode (with a simulated NOE):
And here is Dark Mode:
I see this in the debugger and in the built app. Window is gone. Menus are gone, too. Thanks the gods I only get this for the about window. At least a second test did not show such weird behaviour:
Xojo 2020r2.1, M1, BS
I was wrong, I can do the same effect in LightMode, too:
Have you rebooted today yet?
Good idea. Need to work up the courage to do 11.2 but I’m not there, yet.
Issue is still there after rebooting with 11.2.
Beatrix, how did you get this, just by opening/closing a window? What type of window? Is it shown modal?
Not sure if this falls under giant stupidity or just the very odd. I was able to reproduce the issue in a small example:
Select imap.debug -> About from the menu. There is a canvas that makes a NOE on purpose. This calls my global exception handler. Which shows a window allowing the app to send me an email.
On High Sierra the app simply crashes hard, on Mojave nothing at all is shown, on BS I get the ghost window. I’ve tried another sheet with a similar NOE and get both the sheet and the error report window.
@Johann_Kienbrandt: thanks for testing. I know that the problem is easy to fix. But - as is- what should happen when you open the About window?
if it works in your test app than it must be in your original app … the way you are displaying ??? … all hidden ??? I know it’s stupid … what else can I think off … I’m sure you have debugged every statement … nothing strange ???
The underlying bug is easy to fix. But is the effect I’m seeing normal? What do you get when you open the About window? This is what I get on BS:
On Mojave I don’t get any window at all.
Nope, got that covered since you mentioned it:
'make app crash on exception
Call DoShellCommand("/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c ““Add :NSApplicationCrashOnExceptions bool YES”” " + CurrentBuildLocation + “/” + appNameForShell)
if theResult <> “” then print theResult
I am not sure that is correct, it needs to be written to the Applications preferences.