I’ve tried every trick in the book that I can think of to try wrangle the LSA_STRING into submission but I just can’t seem to find a way to pass the PackageName for LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage in a way that returns anything other than Error: 1364.
declare function LsaConnectUntrusted lib "secur32.dll" ( _
byref lsaHandle as ptr) as Uint32
dim ptrConnect as ptr
call LsaConnectUntrusted(ptrConnect)
dim packageName as string = "Kerberos" // Doesn't have to be Kerberos just the easiest one to remember.
packageName = ConvertEncoding(packageName, Encodings.WindowsANSI)
dim strMb as new MemoryBlock(packageName.Length + 1)
strMB.CString(0) = packageName
dim LSA_STRING as new MemoryBlock(12)
LSA_STRING.UInt16Value(0) = packageName.Length
LSA_STRING.UInt16Value(2) = packageName.Length + 1
LSA_STRING.ptr(4) = strMb
Declare function LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage lib "secur32.dll" (_
byval LsaHandle as ptr,_ // [in]
byval PackageName as ptr,_
byref AuthenticationPackage as ptr)_ // [out]
as Uint32
declare function LsaNtStatusToWinError lib "advapi32.dll" (_
returnedError as Uint32) as Uint32
dim authpack As ptr
dim errorCode as uint32 = LsaNtStatusToWinError(LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage(ptrConnect,LSA_STRING,AuthPack))
if errorCode <> 1364 and errorCode <> 206 then break // Package Unkown
I’ve got a solution that avoids using the api entirely but I decided to still post this out of pure intrigue as to if there is a way to get Xojo and Winapi to play nice here.