Win 10 Error

Have a user getting error message.

What is this about and how do I fix it?

Any help would be appreciated.

Their OS version?
Your Xojo Version?
What do you do with Pictures?

Is that coming from your code in UnhandledException or something else ?

How is it triggered ? When user loads a picture, for instance ? At program start ?

Is he the only one getting that ? What is his Windows version ? What is your version of Xojo ?

I did a scan of my Hard Drive for “picturecopycolorchannel” and the result appears to come from XojoGUIFramework32.dll and my application (windows version). As the user stated this was at app startup, which read a database and does some converting data(strings) to pictures, I think that is where the problem is located.

I’m hoping the usere will send me his database so I can locate the problem.

Have you implemented UnhandledException at all ?

Is it related to:

43121 	Framework » All 	Picture.CopyColorChannels now returns a new Picture with the extracted color information (excluding the alpha or mask portion).

From the 2016r3 Release Notes.

[quote=291856:@Michel Bujardet]

Have you implemented UnhandledException at all ?[/quote]
Sure. My application don’t leave home without.

I also use try-catch, and other steps to make my apps user friendly. [quote=291857:@Emile Schwarz]

Is it related to:

43121 Framework » All Picture.CopyColorChannels now returns a new Picture with the extracted color information (excluding the alpha or mask portion).

From the 2016r3 Release Notes.[/quote]
Thanks, I miss that. I’m using 2016R3.

My app should not get this error as it does NOT use “Picture.CopyColorChannels”.

It does use “Picture.FromData”; frequently, which has not change( documentation).

Now what? Is this a BUG?

I was literally JUST working on Windows 10 with 2016r3 and I’m not seeing this error so some idea how to reproduce it, a sample project + bug report etc, seems in order

And I just now ran a quick little project on 2016r3 on Windows 10 that just has this in the open event of a desktop projects default window

dim p as new picture(100,100)
dim p1 as picture = p.CopyColorChannels()

and it runs without error so there’s something else going on

Maybe the XojoGUIFramework.dll file is missing?

Or, more likely, perhaps the wrong version of XojoGUIFramework.dll got placed next to the executable or in its Libs folder?

I finaly got the user to send me his database. Ran a test, using a REAL PC with windows 10 OS and had NO problem as all.

So it appears to me that the users’s system may no have been up to date.

BTW the database had only a few records and only one picture, and the only action was to convert a string to a picture and show it.

Thanks for all the responses.