Whole webpage on smartphone screen


If I load my web app on a smartphone, I have this:

I have to zoom out. How can I have the whole page in width on the screen on launch? It should load like this:

You got to design a set of webpages to fit a phone screen.

If I may, your page seems to be made for a desktop, landscape. And it is pretty busy as well.

To work well on a phone, you got to make the page portrait, and probably with less controls, so it remains legible. Some refactoring may be in order.

@Michel Bujardet Is there a way to zoom out to maximum automatically and programmatically during the launch of the web app, for example, with an html code?

Set the Pages MinWidth to 320 and MinHeight to 480
Click on App. In the right panel add this to the HTMLHeader

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

Now make sure the Locks for each control is set correctly. And
be sure it’s not to busy in your webpage so it’s still readable and usable from a small screen.

I tried, but it doesn’t work. It doesn’t zoom out automatically.

I can confirm it’s working perfectly here on multiple devices.
You probably missed something. If you set page width 320 and height 480 you get a guide of how it should look. Then set the locks for each control. Be sure to also set minWidth 320 and minheight 480.