Who can translate this code in Swift to Xojo?

Can anyone translate this code from Swift to Xojo? (it is a circular gauge of the most beautiful effect)

struct CircularProgressView: View {
    var progress: Double

    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
                .stroke(Color.progresscolor.opacity(0.3), lineWidth: 5)
                .frame(width: 85, height: 85)

                .trim(from: 0.0, to: CGFloat(min(progress, 1.0)))
                .stroke(Color.accentColor, lineWidth: 10)
                .frame(width: 100, height: 100)
                .rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: 270.0))
                .onAppear {
                    withAnimation(.linear) {
            Text("\(Int(progress * 100))%") // Add percentage text
                .font(.system(size: 30))


It would be helpful to see a screenshot

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ChatGPT translated the code like this (with all the precautions to be taken, but it can save time):

Class CircularProgressView Inherits Canvas
  Property progress As Double = 0.0
  Sub Paint(g As Graphics, areas() As Rect) Handles Paint
    Dim centerX As Integer = g.Width / 2
    Dim centerY As Integer = g.Height / 2
    Dim circleSize As Integer = 85
    // Draw outer circle
    g.DrawEllipse(centerX - circleSize / 2, centerY - circleSize / 2, circleSize, circleSize, 0, 360)
    g.DrawObject(g.PenProgress, g.BrushTransparent, centerX - circleSize / 2 + 5, centerY - circleSize / 2 + 5, circleSize - 10, circleSize - 10, 0, 360)
    // Draw progress circle
    g.DrawObject(g.PenAccent, g.BrushTransparent, centerX - circleSize / 2, centerY - circleSize / 2, circleSize, circleSize, -90, progress * 360)
    g.DrawText(Str(Int(progress * 100)) + "%", centerX - 25, centerY - 10, 50, 30, g.TextFont.Bold, g.ForeColor)
  End Sub
End Class

What do you think ?

Well, just glancing, those aren’t the parameters for DrawObject and there’s no function named Graphics.DrawEllipse.

ChatGPT is not trained on Xojo code. You shouldn’t ask it questions you don’t actually know how to solve yourself.

Update: I ran the code through the compiler out of curiosity to see what I had missed, here are the results.

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I have a somewhat older version of such a control at Cool Loading Weel Control (Xojo + Alfred).

I’m using a simpler version in my app:

The biggest problem with the ArcShapes is working out the weird angles that are used in Xojo.

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Besides that, even if the code didn’t have a bunch of compiler errors, it wouldn’t work because Xojo has no built-in way to draw part of a circle.

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Take a look at The ZAZ: ZirconProgressIndicator, it’s free.


Oh yes, Circle().trim was one of the first things I noticed wasn’t going to translate, which is why I never offered anything. OP asked for a translation, not alternatives, so I simply didn’t reply. But then some ChatGPT baloney came into play.

Add this code in the Paint event of a Canvas:

Sub Paint(g As Graphics, areas() As Rect) Handles Paint
  // Define the progress
  Var progress As Double = 0.5 // Change this to your desired progress
  // Define the colors
  Var progressColor As Color = Color.RGB(0, 0, 0) // Change this to your desired color
  Var accentColor As Color = Color.RGB(255, 0, 0) // Change this to your desired color
  // Draw the background circle
  g.ForeColor = progressColor
  g.PenSize = 5
  g.DrawOval(0, 0, g.Width, g.Height)
  // Draw the progress circle
  g.ForeColor = accentColor
  g.PenSize = 10
  Var path As New GraphicsPath
  path.AddArc(g.Width / 2, g.Height / 2, g.Width / 2, 0, progress * 2 * 3.14159, True)
  // Draw the percentage text
  g.ForeColor = progressColor
  g.FontSize = 30
  g.Bold = True
  g.DrawString(Str(progress * 100) + "%", g.Width / 2, g.Height / 2)
End Sub

hope it get’s you closer to what you need. code generated by chatgpt4 & it works.

Sub Paint(g As Graphics, areas() As Rect) Handles Paint
  // Define the progress
  Var progress As Double = 0.1 // Change this to your desired progress
  // Define the colors
  Var progressColor As Color = Color.RGB(0, 0, 0) // Change this to your desired color
  Var accentColor As Color = Color.RGB(255, 0, 0) // Change this to your desired color
  // Define the padding
  Var padding As Integer = 10
  // Calculate the size and position of the ovals
  Var ovalWidth As Integer = g.Width - 2 * padding
  Var ovalHeight As Integer = g.Height - 2 * padding
  Var ovalX As Integer = padding
  Var ovalY As Integer = padding
  // Draw the background circle
  g.ForeColor = progressColor
  g.PenSize = 5
  g.DrawOval(ovalX, ovalY, ovalWidth, ovalHeight)
  // Draw the progress circle
  g.ForeColor = accentColor
  g.PenSize = 10
  Var path As New GraphicsPath
  path.AddArc(g.Width / 2, g.Height / 2, (g.Width - padding) / 2, 0, progress * 2 * 3.14159, True)
  // Draw the percentage text
  g.ForeColor = progressColor
  g.FontSize = 30
  g.Bold = True
  g.DrawString(Str(progress * 100) + "%", g.Width / 2, g.Height / 2)
End Sub

added padding.

It appears we’ve been proven wrong.
Always a nice surprise.

I use this control in several apps and love it. Thanks @Thom_McGrath!

Sub Paint(g As Graphics, areas() As Rect)

dim circle As New GraphicsPath
dim circle_outer As New GraphicsPath
dim circuleFrameWidth as integer = 85
dim circuleRadius as double = circuleFrameWidth/2
dim padding as double = 10*.7
dim deg2Rad as double =atan(1)/45 // Needed to work in degrees, Xojo path.Arc only acepts radiants
dim progress_percent as double = percentSlider.Value //38 // percent
dim startDeg, endDeg, adj_placementDeg  as double
dim progressColor As Color = color.DarkTingeColor // Change this to your desired color
dim accentColor As Color =  color.HighlightColor// Change this to your desired color

adj_placementDeg = -90
startDeg = 0 + adj_placementDeg // Figures out the start of arc and then adjust for perfered starting point
endDeg= (360*(progress_percent/100) ) + adj_placementDeg // Figures out the end of arc adjusts for perfered starting point

g.LineCap =Graphics.LineCapTypes.â– â– â– â–  // Place a but on stroke.

// Base Circle

circle.AddArc( g.Width/2, g.height/2, circuleRadius, 0, 360*Deg2Rad, true )
g.DrawingColor = progressColor
g.Transparency = 30
g.DrawPath( Circle )

g.RestoreState // revert back to default state

//  Percentage/Progress/Outer Circle indicator
circle_outer.AddArc( g.Width/2, g.height/2, circuleRadius+padding, startDeg*Deg2Rad, endDeg*Deg2Rad, false )
g.DrawingColor = accentColor

g.DrawPath( Circle_outer, false )

// Text in Center, this is not the correct way to center text, only to show example.
dim textSize as double = circuleFrameWidth*.36 // made up text size based on percentage of circuleFrameWidth

g.DrawText( str(progress_percent)+"%",  (g.Width/2)-textWidth ,(g.height/2)+textSize*.5,  0 )

End Sub


Sub ValueChanged()
End Sub

Nah, I think we’re still right. This is the “working” code’s result.

No need for ChatGPT for this exercise…

Simply draw the portion of the circle corresponding to the value and then draw filled circles over it to create the desired illusion. Here’s how I’ll do it

  1. Create a method with parameter, for example SubGauge(g As Graphics, value As Integer)
  2. From the Paint of a Canvas pass g or the clip of the desired part to the method with the value to display, for example SubGauge(g,Slider1.Value)
Public Sub SubGauge(g As Graphics, value As Integer)
  Var a As New ArcShape
  Var x,y,size As Double
  Const PI=3.14159265358979323846264338327950
  // Find the center of the graphic and the maximum square size
  // Sets the color of the gauge
  // Draw the gauge
  a.arcAngle=Min(value*3.6*PI/180,2*PI-.0000001) // Value need to be 0-100 => x 3.6 = 0-360°
  a.FillColor = g.DrawingColor
  // Sets the color of the circle
  // Sets the thickness of the gauge, e.g. 10%
  Var tg As Integer = size/10
  // Sets the color of the inner circle
  // Sets the thickness of the inner circle, e.g. 3% = tg-3%
  Var tc As Integer = size/7
  // Finding the maximum displayable size for 100%
  Var w As Double
  Loop Until w<size-2*tc Or g.FontSize<8
  // Sets text color
  // Set text position
  Var s As String = value.ToString+"%"
End Sub


Another solution is to set the FillOpacity of the ArcShape to 0 and then draw the border with a BorderOpacity of 100.
Then you don’t need an extra cover circle.

impressive! big thank you @Alain_Clausen

You’re welcome, glad to help