which version of xojo to buy

Hi All.

Just a little question.

I’m ready to buy Xojo, but am not sure which version to buy.
I want to be able to develop desktop apps, and use sqlite, but am not sure if I should select the Desktop version or Pro version.

Any suggestions?


Just Desktop, You only need PRO if you are going to make:

  • Web
  • iOS
  • or Console / Service Apps

[quote=467283:@Michael Cebasek]Hi All.

Just a little question.

I’m ready to buy Xojo, but am not sure which version to buy.
I want to be able to develop desktop apps, and use sqlite, but am not sure if I should select the Desktop version or Pro version.

Any suggestions?


If you only need to make desktop apps (but not console apps) you do NOT need Pro (which is ~$700)

If you want to do Xplatfrom and/or other DBs beside SQLite then you need only Desktop (~$300)

If you only want to make apps for a single platform and only use SQLite then get the single platform desktop option (~$100)

  • karen

The other down side of the $99 version besides only one platform, is that the projects can only be saved in BINARY format (I personally use the XML format for everything, others prefer the VCS format)

It sounds like Desktop would work for you. Just an FYI, in addition to what Ivan mentioned, Pro also includes a higher level of technical support and consulting leads. If you go with Desktop you can always upgrade to Xojo Pro anytime :slight_smile:

Thanks all.

Seems I have saved enough money… Yay!