Where is the batch .bat/.cmd file?

Here is mybatch.cmd text file:

START /WAIT c:\myappfolder\myxojoapp.exe myfilename.txt

Case 1: mybatch.cmd and myxojoapp.exe and myfilename.txt are all in myappfolder. Result: success!

Case 2. mybatch.cmd and myfilename.txt are in mydatafolder. Result: failure. :frowning: - myfilename.txt not found

How does Xojo discover the path to the batch file or mydatafolder?

What does the code in your Xojo app look like

Thanks Greg.
This does what I need to get the correct folder:
var s as string = specialfolder.currentworkingdirectory.nativepath
except in Debug mode which reports: c:\windows\system32