where i can see web error on linux

hi all (XOJO 2015 r2.2)

where i can see any error that my app run

It depends on how you are set up on the server and how you are handling errors in your app… that said:

If you are running a CGI application with Apache web server, you could find errors in one of these locations:

RHEL / Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora Linux Apache error file location: /var/log/httpd/error_log
Debian / Ubuntu Linux Apache error log file location: /var/log/apache2/error.log
FreeBSD Apache error log file location: /var/log/httpd-error.log

If it is a standalone app you could look in: /var/log/messages

You may not see anything helpful if you haven’t written code to handle exceptions and output helpful info to the logs.
At the very least you should look into this: WebApplication.UnhandledException

ok Thanks

i can no find my app error logs

i try
cd /var/log/apache2
but access denied

Are you using a shared hosting environment? If that is the case do you have access to log files through a control panel?

hi john
thanks is fix