What's your programming goal for the new year?

Appreciate I’m a bit late making a contribution here - but I took a long break this Christmas and New Year!!

I am definitely going to relaunch 2 company web sites, rewrite a huge VB6 application in Xojo (once I’ve finished playing around with a little toolbox that I’m writing in Xojo to gain a greater level of familiarisation), improve my level of contact with my existing small client base by introducing a forum on previously mentioned relaunched web sites along with a quarterly newsletter, increase the available video content for user training …

Hell - think I’m going to go back to bed and start looking for a job next week :slight_smile:

  1. Finish and release Xojo classes which implement the SIX Saferpay Json API for eCommerce

  2. Create a web service as a base for enhancements of my seminar.pro training management software

  3. Create a customizable web application for seminar registration

… and more

[quote=306668:@Alwyn Bester]This year I plan to launch 4 new commercial applications I’ve been working on for a while. They were all developed with Xojo.

My goal is to purchase my next Xojo license with revenue generated from license sales of these application.[/quote]

Just moments ago, I issued my first official invoice, and received payment, for a license for one of my Xojo applications :slight_smile:

One step closer to renewing my Xojo license…