What is the most effecient way to code for database? PostgreSQL

Hello all,

In my first round of working with Xojo, I created classes for each database table that I used. I added new Methods for each type of function that I wanted, below is a sample

Db = passed_Db
osql = New cSmartSQL
SID = SiteID

get function

osql.StatementType = eStatementType.Type_Select
osql.AddTable Tbl

osql.AddComplexWhereClause "relays.address = "+ sAdd +  " AND relays.module_device_no = "+ sModDevNo

#if TargetWeb
  RsRelays = Session.db.SQLSelect(osql.SQL)
  if Session.db.Error = true then
    dbMessage= Session.db.ErrorMessage
    dbErrorNo = Session.db.ErrorCode
    Return 0
  end if
  RsRelays = db.SQLSelect(osql.SQL)
  if db.Error = true then
    dbMessage= db.ErrorMessage
    dbErrorNo = db.ErrorCode
    Return 0
  end if

RecordsRetrieved = RsRelays.RecordCount
if RecordsRetrieved = 1 and FilVars = True then FillVars
Return RecordsRetrieved

Then FilVars

Address = 0
Slot =0
ModuleDeviceNo= 0
ModuleTypeNo =  0
Relay_Zone =0
OnTime =  0
RelayFunction =""
FireOnAlarm =""
State =  0
DelayTime =  0
StartTime =  ""
StopTime =  ""
RowID = 0
IsOnOff =0
KP_Zone = 0
UserDefined = ""
DeviceStatus = ""
MonitorEnabled = ""
UseAddressToFire = 0
UseChannelToFire = -1
DefaultRelayDirection = "C"
RelayEnabled = "N"

SID = RsRelays.Column("sid").IntegerValue
RelayEnabled = RsRelays.Column("relay_enabled").StringValue
UseAddressToFire= RsRelays.Column("use_addr").IntegerValue
UseChannelToFire= RsRelays.Column("use_channel").IntegerValue
DefaultRelayDirection= RsRelays.Column("default_direction").StringValue

DeviceStatus = RsRelays.Column("device_status").StringValue
MonitorEnabled = RsRelays.Column("monitor_enabled").StringValue

Address= RsRelays.Column( "address").IntegerValue
Slot= RsRelays.Column("slot").IntegerValue
ModuleDeviceNo= RsRelays.Column("module_device_no").IntegerValue
ModuleTypeNo =  RsRelays.Column("module_type_no").IntegerValue

Relay_Zone = RsRelays.Column("Zne").IntegerValue
OnTime =  RsRelays.Column("on_time").IntegerValue
RelayFunction =  trim(RsRelays.Column("relay_function").StringValue)
FireOnAlarm =  RsRelays.Column("fire_onalarm").StringValue
State =  RsRelays.Column("state").IntegerValue
DelayTime =  RsRelays.Column("delaytime").IntegerValue
StartTime =  trim(RsRelays.Column("start_time").StringValue)
StopTime =  trim(RsRelays.Column("stop_time").StringValue)
//RowID = RsRelays.Column("rowid").Int64Value
IsOnOff = RsRelays.Column("ison_off").IntegerValue
KP_Zone = RsRelays.Column("kp_zone").IntegerValue
UserDefined = trim(RsRelays.Column("user_defined").StringValue)

That works pretty good and is reasonably fast. However, now I need to use the same basic database but add a field to each one of the classes/function etc, so > 1 “company” may use it. The new field is SID. So each querie will have to be modified to add this variable.

I had thought that passing the SID when the object is instantiated, but I still need to edit all of the various methods to add the use of SID. Further, down the road, I may need to get all of the rows for all SIDs, which may complicate this…

That is a LOT of work! There are around 100 tables to be modified.

Can anyone give me a bit of direction to make this easier? I like the class use since it keeps all of the work within each table class.

This is for a Web2 project that is just starting. The code sample was from a Web1 project that works quite well.


Since most of this is boilerplate and mind-numbingly redundant, I wrote an app that reads the database schema and spits out a class for each table in Xojo XML format, complete with properties and methods. You can drag them into your project and then just tweak them as needed.

I also add a db property to the class, so you don’t have to use #If.

Bob Keeney has a similar product that is more generalized and just works out of the can. I don’t recall who is maintaining/selling it these days.

here it is

and also there is the dbkit example in the xojo examples folder.

and yes it is really easier to have an app that write all this classes and code for you