Hello, What is the Chr() value for the greek letter β, “beta” and others, I have this but am not able to use it in a string… Greek small letter Beta U+03B2 e.g. For a long time alpha far exceeds beta, and the herd is at peace.
Any help will be appreciated.
In UTF-8 this is CE B2. See: Unicode/UTF-8-character table
Thanks, but I am unable to use it, could you put it in string?
I got this from the tables: U+00DF ß c3 9f LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
Thanks again.
MessageBox &u03b2 + " : " + &u00df MessageBox "chr(&h03b2) = " + chr(&h03b2) + " : unicode &u00df = " + &u00df
Lennox, Xojo has the &U operator for this purpose.
var beta as string = &u03B2
Thanks Rick Araujo and Tim Hare,