What is "Description" for in the Inspector Gear?

On a method, in the Inspector, you can click the “Gear” icon. There is a category and entry labeled “Description”.

What is that for? I was hoping it would appear in the bottom status bar as a little help for the method as I have seen on some items, but seems not so.

[quote=119106:@Jeremy Cowgar]On a method, in the Inspector, you can click the “Gear” icon. There is a category and entry labeled “Description”.

What is that for? I was hoping it would appear in the bottom status bar as a little help for the method as I have seen on some items, but seems not so.[/quote]

The same Description field exists for events. Maybe it was intended for debugging purposes ?

It’s for your own documentation in your code.

Where does it ever show up? Someone has to click on your method/property/etc… then move to the inspector, then to the gear icon, then they see a single line description that is severely truncated for width?

If that is really what it is for, wouldn’t it be much better to first be a Text Area, so you can type something of value and make it readable also, secondly, appear as the help content at the bottom of the screen w/the method signature?

Norman described it last November: https://forum.xojo.com/conversation/post/46197

[quote=46197:@Norman Palardy]We have plans to use that in the IDE so you can put some documentation (a purpose statement) in for whatever events etc you create
So when you mouse over it or the text gets highlighted in the code editor the description could be shown[/quote]

So it’s a field you can use for a description and it shows right there next time you visit it :slight_smile: