the weekofyear seems wrong for germany, can somebody agree?
at least at this one printed which hang at office wall show 17. and my calendar at home too.
Var d As New DateTime(2021,4,26,0,0,0,0) ' 26.04.2021
MessageBox "WeekOfYear = " + d.WeekOfYear.ToString + " (should be 17 not 18)"
Xojo 2021r1.1
Germany see Middle East, the international ISO 8601 standard
Die Kalenderwoche ist nach ISO 8601 so definiert: Kalenderwochen haben 7 Tage, beginnen an einem Montag und werden über das Jahr fortlaufend nummeriert. Die Kalenderwoche 1 eines Jahres ist diejenige, die den ersten Donnerstag enthält.
Yes, hard to understand.
There’s certainly a workaround by adding 1 if the day is Sunday, and finding which day number is the first Thursday, but I don’t see the point of having functions that won’t work outside of the USA (and that aren’t fixed 10 years later; I won’t believe each supported OS today doesn’t support internationalised dates out of the box)…