WebRectangle Fill Color

Hi all,

anyone knows which WebStyle property sets the fill color of a WebRectangle ? There is no specific property for that and the “background” and “Drop shadow” don’t do that.


[quote=272667:@Shant Khatcherian]Hi all,

anyone knows which WebStyle property sets the fill color of a WebRectangle ? There is no specific property for that and the “background” and “Drop shadow” don’t do that.

What version of Xojo are you using?

hi, I use 2015r4.1

anybody knows?

It works just fine here in 2015R4.1.

Have you set the webstyle in the IDE or otherwise ?

hello Michael, which webstyle property works for you? I set the style via code and properties like the rounded corners work but not the fill color which is always white.

Well, I dropped a WebRectangle into the project, inserted a WebStyle, in there selected background color, added drop shadow and that’s it. I did that on Mac.

Which platform are you on ? It is possible Internet Explorer be a tad strange, for instance. You may want to try with Edge or FireFox.

on 2015R4.1 on Windows the background property is greyed out for the “normal” state. is it supposed to work for a “hover” etc. state?

The only reason it should be grayed out is if it’s already defined.

Well. I just tried on Windows 10 with 2015R4.1 and it works perfectly with IE and Chrome.

The background property isn’t applying the color to the WebRectangle… I am sure the style is applied because the Corners properties are applied, but the fill color of the WebRectangle remains white regardless of the background color. IE, Firefox, Chrome…


Insane or not, this worked after a reboot. When running the app, Xojo IDE started throwing exceptions where there shouldn’t be any; after an instinctive reboot the exact same code ran fine and the background color works.

Thanks Michel!

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