I am building a web app that will have several web pages. At the end of using the app, I’ll need the web pages printed. Is there a way to point a HTMLViewer page the pages I have already used, basically copying the the already filled out pages to a new page with a WebHTMLViewer object so that they can be printed?
The user will fill in information in different web pages and at the end you want to gather all the info into a single page and print it?
This is correct, 2 pages actually…
And you need the exact layout of the pages? Or could you create an HTML file with the input data and load that into the HTMLViewer?
The Web app is replacing paper forms and I set up the web pages to closely match the current forms. Management would like the printed out pages to be reasonably close to the forms they are used to…
I guess I could harvest the data on the forms and then try to format that in a WebHTMLViewer. Sounds like a lot more work the just printing the web pages… which I guess instead of having the Web app do the printing, is to just have the use the browser to print the pages…
I’m currently working in web app where I face a similar issue as yours. After giving it some thought I ended up doing what I suggested.
Thanks, Hector. I may also go that path…