I noticed if you have a lot of webmenuitems in a single menu. For example if you are using it for a user to select a location. If the menu list is large it does not allow the user to scroll it just gets cut off. Is there something i’m missing?
Can you create a sample project?
A quick test here creates a very large menu and you can scroll and scroll until you get to the bottom of the page/menu.
This on a mac with Chrome. With web, some things change if you are using computer, tablet, phone and/or different browsers. It helps if you provide that information too.
Here is a sample project that has the issue tested on both Firefox and Safari
Link to sample project Webmenu Scroll Issue Sample.xojo_binary_project
I guess you are on a Mac.
I may guess you are on a Macbook without external mouse/keyboard.
On my mac mini, with external keyboard/mouse the scrollbar on the browser always shows.
On my macbook, the scrollbar disappears and may seem I can’t scroll down but in fact is possible to scroll the page down and select any item from the list. Tested Firefox and Safari.
Have you tried to scroll down?
BTW you can zip your sample project and upload directly to the forum. No need of external site sharing.
My answer: OMG don’t make the user do that.
How will you handle ‘select your State’? (for example)
I do have an external mouse and keyboard. I actually got reported the issue from a windows user on Firefox. So its not just Mac it would seem. I’ll have to confirm on Windows when I get home tonight.
Windows 10, Xojo 2024 4.1
Tested on Edge, Chrome and Fire Fox
I was able to scroll on all 3 browsers
Have you tried to scroll? At least we can with your demo.
So I updated the test project to be closer to the UI which has a tool bar with “Position” set to “Top” When the “Position” is set to top it will not scroll the menu, when its left at its default “Inset” it does.
Webmenu Scroll Issue Sample.xojo_binary_project.zip (10.1 KB)
You can create an Issue with that information/code.
That’s one of the reasons why we need a way to limit the height and show a scrollbar within the control.
Issue has been created https://tracker.xojo.com/xojoinc/xojo/-/issues/78265
Use a tiny listbox. Popup menus are terrible because it’s so easy to glide off the edge and dismiss it. With a state it would be the worst.