WebMaps and Google API Key

Has anyone deployed a web solution using the WebMap control?
I’m working through the Api Key issues, and Google isn’t able to verify my domain ownership.

Not positive if this is typical, strange, trivial etc…

Any gurus out there want to share some knowledge?

Verifying domain ownership is usually very easy. If you are using a Xojo Web App as your web sever, verify using the DNS records option.

There are API key issues with certain versions of Xojo though, which version are you using?

There are also several types of google API keys. Not all of them will work. Look for a Google map embed API key. That one works for me in 2017 R3.

I did not have to go through any sort of domain ownership verification. (I have the standard type, not the premium type since my webapp is for a limited audience. I don’t need the larger quota that the premium key offers.)

I’m using the very latest version of Xojo.
Ok, I’ll go back and see what is going on with the verification and see maybe if I’m trying to setup something I don’t need.

However it occurred to me that for what I’m doing, the google map experience may be inferior to something specific and stylized considering the function… so maybe moot… Not sure.

Thanks for the responses folks.

It’s not domain ownership at issue - it’s properly implementing the API.

If you want to see a successful Google Maps implementation:

You need to obtain your own API key for Google Maps - here’s the lowdown on API keys…
if users can access Maps free of charge, you do not require a license from Google.
If users have to pay to use your application’s Maps feature,
[or] if your app is for private use, then the license to use costs something like $2k-4k.

What exactly are you trying to do with the Maps feature?
Maybe I can help.

Some Help Information about GoogleApi Key

You need a googlemap api key for show maps
Jun 11 2018 will be mandatory make association with your google account to a credit card and google invoice system
The quantity of recuest services of googlemap api wil be 150.000 request per day for free if you have a google acount with credit card other wise is 2.500 request per day, price here

About your request we deployed app that use googlemap api but we used just a html viewer and code
put and html viewer an load the page with the code here some sample code you can try in a button action in a web page with a htmlviewer1 control inside

Dim xMap as String
Dim Latitude as String
Dim Longitude as String

Dim M as Integer
Dim N as Integer

Latitude = “-32.645278”
Longitude = “-60.728889”

xMap = xMap + “”
xMap = xMap + “”
xMap = xMap + " "
xMap = xMap + " <meta name="“viewport”" content="“initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no”" />"
xMap = xMap + " <style type="“text/css”">"
xMap = xMap + " html { height: 100% }"
xMap = xMap + " body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0 }"
xMap = xMap + " #map_canvas { height: 100% }"
xMap = xMap + " "
xMap = xMap + " <script type="“text/javascript”""
xMap = xMap + " src="“http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOURAPIKEYHERE”">"
xMap = xMap + " "
xMap = xMap + " <script type="“text/javascript”">"
xMap = xMap + " function initialize() {"
xMap = xMap + " var mapOptions = {"
xMap = xMap + " center: new google.maps.LatLng(-27.475298,-58.854597)," '-27.475298, -58.854597
xMap = xMap + " zoom: 6, "
xMap = xMap + " mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID"
xMap = xMap + " };"
xMap = xMap + " var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("“map_canvas”"),"
xMap = xMap + " mapOptions);"

‘Write the Point or make a loop for load many points
xMap = xMap + “Rem” +“Punto1” + " = new google.maps.Marker({"
xMap = xMap + “position: new google.maps.LatLng(” + Latitude + “,” + Longitude + “),”
xMap = xMap + “map: map,”
xMap = xMap + "title:’" + “Posicion1” + “’”
xMap = xMap + “});”
xMap = xMap + “infowindow” + “Posi1” + “= new google.maps.InfoWindow({”
xMap = xMap + “content:’” + “Pos " + “
” + " Hora " + “’,”
xMap = xMap + “maxWidth: 200”
xMap = xMap + " });”
xMap = xMap + “infowindow” +“Pos1”+ “.open(map,Rem” + “Pos1” + “);”
'End Load Points

xMap = xMap + " }"
xMap = xMap + " "
xMap = xMap + " "
xMap = xMap + " <body onload="“initialize()”">"
xMap = xMap + " <div id="“map_canvas”" style="“width:100%; height:100%”">"
xMap = xMap + " "
xMap = xMap + “”

HTMLViewer1.LoadPage xMap

here a screen shot