A quick search tells me no, at least not with the standard Xojo WebListbox. But checking with you all?
I have a WebListbox with several columns, requiring scrolling to the right. Column 0 is the assignment name, and the remaining columns are student names with their assignment completion percents. I’d like to lock column 0 in place so when I scroll to the right to view the last student column, I can still see the assignment name. Possible?
Created 5+ and 10+ years ago, respectively, and both now have a “Needs Review” tag thanks to Xojo Bot. I gave both a thumbs up. Will deal without for the time being. Hopefully these will get some attention
I would create new request though, obviously the 5 and 10 yrs old requests are no longer pertaining to the newest Xojo. Btw, fixing first column and making the column divider red or some other user defined color would be nice.
A staff member literally told you to upvote relevant cases as those are better signs of interest than creating clutter. If you create duplicates @Robin_Lauryssen-Mitchell has to spend time looking for the original and then closing yours.
Well, Xojo is a product and relies on money spent by people who use it aka “customers”. If it takes 10 tickets to signal interest in the feature/bug so be it. It is nothing personal nor any indication of company being weak, rather it is an indication of having vibrant user base.
Btw, I don’t need to know how the Xojo internal system works, this is “black box” to me and it better stays this way. I appreciate the effort made to make Xojo better and it is all that counts to me. Thanks.