webListBox flickering problem when scroll on ipad or iphone and android device

i have developed a webapp with weblistbox
this weblistbox has 20 columns, every columns has width =30%
the columns ares multiline
when i connect to webapp webpage with a mac or pc, the scrolling of weblistbox (50rows x 20columns) work fine

if i connect with ipad or iphone, there is much problems
if i scroll the listbox horizontally and then i scroll vertically, there is a flickering effect … and weblistbox not stay on right horizontally position .

can anyone help me ?

Im not sure about the flickering, but column width as a percent should try and equal 100%. 20 x 30% doesn’t add up. Maybe get ride of the percent. Doubt thats your problem but who knows.


no, the sum of width of columns not must be =100%. you can try…
if the sum is >100% , you must horizontally scroll to see other columns .

[quote=290873:@Jury Buono]i have developed a webapp with weblistbox
this weblistbox has 20 columns, every columns has width =30%
the columns ares multiline
when i connect to webapp webpage with a mac or pc, the scrolling of weblistbox (50rows x 20columns) work fine

if i connect with ipad or iphone, there is much problems
if i scroll the listbox horizontally and then i scroll vertically, there is a flickering effect … and weblistbox not stay on right horizontally position .[/quote]

Your description is nice, but it would be a whole lot better if you posted a test project.

I do use HTML in my current project, either scrolling vertically or horizontally, but not the two simultaneously. Never seen any flicker. Something else may be happening. Are you using any JavaScript in there ?

no i use not javascript

this is an example that show the flickering effect.
when show this webapp on iphone and you swipe on the grid… scroll horizontally and then swipe …scroll vertically, you see that
listbox show a ghost listbox and the effect is a flickering

because i can’t attach a file i put the example on google drive , you can download this here and try…


I see the flickering. It looks very much like the iOS browser has trouble with the table when it is scrolled horizontally.

I see no workaround.

same flickering problem on android device .
i have try the app on lenovo Yoga tablet-2 1050L
android version 4.4.2

this is not ios mobile browser problem only , this problem is present on every mobile device browser …

[quote=290969:@Michel Bujardet]I see the flickering. It looks very much like the iOS browser has trouble with the table when it is scrolled horizontally.

I see no workaround.[/quote]

can you interact and expose the problem to the support team ?
i expose my problem but the support team say me that the problem is of bandwith !! :frowning: :frowning:

Which support team have you contacted ? I see no report in feedback.

At any rate, this can very well be the explanation.

You probably want to refactor your app to use less columns, or make it so the columns do not require horizontal scrolling.

Someone file a bug report with an example please.

Jury had filed one : <https://xojo.com/issue/45431>

[quote=291388:@Michel Bujardet]Which support team have you contacted ? I see no report in feedback.

At any rate, this can very well be the explanation.

You probably want to refactor your app to use less columns, or make it so the columns do not require horizontal scrolling.[/quote]

hi Michael
i have try the app with 3 columns with this widths 30%,70%,30%
and 5 rows …
but there is same flikering problem ! (on ipad, iphone , and andoid device)

i can’t think that the solution is … “use e weblistbox with no holrizontal scrool” … on phone devices it is impossible :smiley:

[quote=291388:@Michel Bujardet]Which support team have you contacted ? I see no report in feedback.

At any rate, this can very well be the explanation.

You probably want to refactor your app to use less columns, or make it so the columns do not require horizontal scrolling.[/quote]

i have contacted the support that i find in my account page … Jason , Xojo, Inc. (productsupport@xojo.com)

the status of my feedback case is passed to “verified” but at now no… news …

Don’t expect news rapidly. It could months before you see something after filing a bug report.