WebListBox Error

I am getting this error:
safeLog.ListBox1.Shown, line 20
There is more than one method with this name but this does not match any of the available signatures.
Me.AddRow(manager, dDate, type, str(format(expected, “0.00”)), str(format(tTips, “0.00”)), str(format(oTips, “0.00”)), str(format(amt, “0.00”)))

When trying to Deploy this code:

Var sql As String
sql = "SELECT * FROM safelog WHERE approved=? ORDER BY id ASC"

Var data As RowSet

  data = app.db.SelectSQL(sql, 0)
  If data <> Nil Then
    For Each row As DatabaseRow In data
      Var manager As String = row.ColumnAt(8).Value
      Var dDate As DateTime = row.ColumnAt(9).Value
      Var type As String = row.ColumnAt(4).Value
      Var expected As Double = row.ColumnAt(5).Value
      Var tTips As Double = row.ColumnAt(6).Value
      Var oTips As Double = row.ColumnAt(7).Value
      Var amt As Double = row.ColumnAt(3).Value
      Me.AddRow(manager, dDate, type, str(format(expected, "0.00")), str(format(tTips, "0.00")), str(format(oTips, "0.00")), str(format(amt, "0.00")))
  End If
End Try

I have checked my syntax many times and I can not figure out why it won’t compile. Help?

dDate is a Date not a string?

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Nailed it. Thanks