WebListBox Column Alignment

If WebListBox Column Alignment and ColumnStyle no longer an option?


Take a look at


there is no textalignment in the webstyle.
do you have to use the CSS of the webstyle to center a text in a cell ?

Thanks very much Jean-Yves and Hector

So has someone a solution to get right aligned text into a WebListbox in Xojo 2021?

As @Hector_Marroquin said, you can do it using WebListBoxStyleRenderer.

Var style As New WebStyle
style.Value("text-align") = "right"
Me.CellValueAt(0,0) = New WebListBoxStyleRenderer(style, "Hello World!")

Hoping someone can assist me with this. I am trying to right align columns 4 to 9 but i’m not sure exactly how to do this.

Assistance would be much appreciated.

Var style as New WebStyle
style.Value(“text-align”) = “right”
Me.CellValueAt(0,0) = New WebListBoxStyleRenderer(style, “Hello World!”)

Var Rows as RowSet

Replenishment_Lst.HeaderAt(0) = “Code”
Replenishment_Lst.HeaderAt(1) = “Name”
Replenishment_Lst.HeaderAt(2) = “Location”
Replenishment_Lst.HeaderAt(3) = “Supplier”
Replenishment_Lst.HeaderAt(4) = “Latest Cost”
Replenishment_Lst.HeaderAt(5) = “On Hand”
Replenishment_Lst.HeaderAt(6) = “On PO”
Replenishment_Lst.HeaderAt(7) = “Reorder Point”
Replenishment_Lst.HeaderAt(8) = “Suggested Order Qty”
Replenishment_Lst.HeaderAt(9) = “Suggested Order Cost”

Rows = Session.DB.SelectSQL(“Select * from Item order by ItemCode”)

If Rows <> Nil Then

For Each Row As DatabaseRow In Rows

If Row.Column("ItemModelStockQtyManual").StringValue.ToDouble <> 0 and Row.Column("ItemOnHandQty").StringValue.ToDouble + Row.Column("ItemOnPurOrderQty").StringValue.ToDouble <= Row.Column("ItemModelStockQtyManual").StringValue.ToDouble Then
  Replenishment_Lst.AddRow(Row.Column("ItemCode").StringValue, _ 
  Row.Column("ItemName").StringValue, _ 
  Row.Column("ItemLocation").StringValue.Left(10), _ 
  Row.Column("ItemSupplierName").StringValue.Left(15), _ 
  Row.Column("ItemCost").StringValue, _
  Row.Column("ItemOnHandQty").StringValue, _
  Row.Column("ItemOnPurOrderQty").StringValue, _
  Row.Column("ItemModelStockQtyManual").StringValue, _
  Row.Column("ItemOptimumOrderQtyManual").StringValue, _
  Replenishment_Lst.CellTagAt(Replenishment_Lst.LastAddedRowIndex, 0) = Row.Column("ID").IntegerValue
  TotalOrder = TotalOrder + Row.Column("ItemOptimumOrderValueManual").StringValue.ToDouble
ElseIf Row.Column("ItemModelStockQtyMovingAvg").StringValue.ToDouble <> 0 and Row.Column("ItemOnHandQty").StringValue.ToDouble + Row.Column("ItemOnPurOrderQty").StringValue.ToDouble <= Row.Column("ItemModelStockQtyMovingAvg").StringValue.ToDouble Then
  Replenishment_Lst.AddRow(Row.Column("ItemCode").StringValue, _
  Row.Column("ItemName").StringValue, _ 
  Row.Column("ItemLocation").StringValue.Left(10), _
  Row.Column("ItemSupplierName").StringValue.Left(15), _
  Row.Column("ItemCost").StringValue, _
  Row.Column("ItemOnHandQty").StringValue, _
  Row.Column("ItemOnPurOrderQty").StringValue, _
  Row.Column("ItemModelStockQtyMovingAvg").StringValue, _
  Row.Column("ItemOptimumOrderQtyMovingAvg").StringValue, _
  Replenishment_Lst.CellTagAt(Replenishment_Lst.LastAddedRowIndex, 0) = Row.Column("ID").IntegerValue
  TotalOrder = TotalOrder + Row.Column("ItemOptimumOrderValueMovingAvg").StringValue.ToDouble
End If


End If

Hi @Craig_Wyeth1,

The way to use cell renderers is to use them after adding the row:

Var rowIndex As Integer = Replenishment_Lst.LastAddedRowIndex
For i As Integer = 4 To 9
  Replenishment_Lst.CellTextAt(rowIndex, i) = New WebListBoxStyleRenderer(style, Me.CellTextAt(rowIndex, i))

Please note CellValueAt is now called CellTextAt.


Works perfectly.

Thanks Ricardo

1 Like

Dear, in 2022r2 I still can’t align a column to the right, a complete example of how to do it please, thanks!

Try creating a WebListBox, with 3 columns. In its Opening event, paste this code:

Var centeredStyle As New WebStyle
centeredStyle.Value("text-align") = "center"

Var rightAlignedStyle As New WebStyle
rightAlignedStyle.Value("text-align") = "right"

Var leftAlignedValue, centeredValue, rightAlignedValue As String
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
  leftAlignedValue = "Left " + i.ToString
  centeredValue = "Center " + i.ToString
  rightAlignedValue = "Right " + i.ToString
  Me.AddRow(leftAlignedValue, centeredValue, rightAlignedValue)
  Var row As Integer = Me.LastAddedRowIndex
  Me.CellTextAt(row, 1) = New WebListBoxStyleRenderer(centeredStyle, centeredValue)
  Me.CellTextAt(row, 2) = New WebListBoxStyleRenderer(rightAlignedStyle, rightAlignedValue)

You should see something like this:
Captura de Pantalla 2022-11-08 a las 16.52.10

I hope that helps!

1 Like

Hola @Ricardo_Cruz,
I have the weblistbox inside a webdialog and I set up all the sending of data from the webcontainer that calls it, I show you the method:

Tengo el weblistbox dentro de un webdialog y armo todo el envío de datos desde el webcontainer que lo llama, te muestro el método:

No me esta funcionando

… otras variables …
Var leftAlignedValue, centeredValue, rightAlignedValue As String
Var row As Integer

Var centeredStyle As New WebStyle
centeredStyle.Value(“text-align”) = “center”
Var rightAlignedStyle As New WebStyle
rightAlignedStyle.Value(“text-align”) = “right”

If Session.DBOpen Then
strSQL = …
larsRecordset = Session.mDB.SelectSQL(strSQL)
if Not larsRecordset.AfterLastRow then
wdDetalleCaja1.lstDetalle.ColumnCount = 2
wdDetalleCaja1.lstDetalle.ColumnWidths = “60%,40%”
while Not larsRecordset.AfterLastRow
dblTotal = larsRecordset.Column(“campo2”).DoubleValue
strCaja = larsRecordset.Column(“campo3”).StringValue
strImporte = "$ " + Format(dblTotal, Formato_Entero) '+ “&shy”
wdDetalleCaja1.lstDetalle.AddRow (strCaja, strImporte)

  **row = wdDetalleCaja1.lstDetalle.LastAddedRowIndex**

** wdDetalleCaja1.lstDetalle.CellTextAt(row, 0) = New WebListBoxStyleRenderer(centeredStyle, centeredValue)**
** wdDetalleCaja1.lstDetalle.CellTextAt(row, 1) = New WebListBoxStyleRenderer(rightAlignedStyle, rightAlignedValue)**

  ' siguiente

end if
end if



What part isn’t working?, are you getting any error?

Please wrap the code using the “Preformatted Text” option, so we can see it properly in the forum.


¿Qué es lo que no funciona?, ¿te da algún error?

Prueba a meter el código dentro de la opción “Preformatted Text”, para que lo veamos bien en el foro.