WebLink style not respected?

Hi all,

Am i walking into a bug or is it just me.
I can’t seem to get the webstyle to work on a WebLink.
Setting the webstyle properties for normal, hover, clicked etc. to white text color is not making my links show white. Instead, they show up as blue, as we would normally see links.

Anyone knows how i can get this working, the WebStyle way (2016R2)?

I think it got broken when they added the !important to damn near everything.
Did you try overriding it with javascript style injections? I think that still works.

It has been like that for a long time. Links style are set by the framework, and styles, even with the infamous

! important still do not change the links color.

Here is a workaround for the time being. Doing it “the WebStyle way” would be more involved, and I don’t have time :

Place a PageSource on the page, and put this in the source :


a { color: red; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { color: green; } a.visited { color: black; }


This will set the color of the link, and suppress the underline. You can reinstate underline by removing

text-decoration: none or do other changes in CSS.

Of possible use :

Will one of you file a bug report about this? I thought we had styles on WebLinks fixed.

[quote=278311:@Tim Parnell]I think it got broken when they added the !important to damn near everything.
Did you try overriding it with javascript style injections? I think that still works.[/quote]

No didn’t try this.

Greg, i havn’t had time to test web before. Just noticed it, i will make a FB report.

(https://xojo.com/issue/44694)]Case 44694


Sometimes I wonder why bugs like this one take years to be fix…it’s still around.

Which browser are you using? I just checked Safari and it’s actually Safari itself that’s overriding link styles.

/* User Agent Stylesheet */ a: any-link { color: -webkit-link; text-decoration: underline; cursor: auto; }

Chrome does the same thing as Safari.
Firefox now overrides the color based on user preferences.

FWIW, this has nothing to do with the !important change we made. In fact, user styles are the ones being marked as important in this case and still they are unable to replace the browser overrides.

This is not a bug.

Ah, I was using Chrome. It is easy to gain the impression that this is a bug if you just leave the feedback report open and verified without further comment (ah, I see you added a comment and closed it today). Also a note in the documentation could go a long way. Thanks for clearing that up.

There’s no way we could possibly document all of the browser idiosyncrasies.