Weblabel mouse enter


I’m thinking about upgrade my 2018 xojo to latest version.

So i did download the latest version to be familiar with.

(web app)

One of the most anoying thing i’m not finding, is some events: mouse enter, mouse exit, mouse up, mouse down(weblabel)… double click (weblistbox), and so on.

What i’m missing??

Best regards,


I don’t think they have been added to Web 2.0 yet, I’m sure I read something in one of these posts about it.
If your app is working fine on Web 1.0 / Xojo 2018 and you don’t need any of the Web 2.0 features it may be worth waiting for the next release.

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I’d like to point out that the reason we left many of these out is because of the bandwidth and processing burden associated with them.

MouseUp and MouseDown are now called Pressed because realistically by the time your code runs, the event has already happened and you can’t do anything about it. DoubleClick is now called DoublePressed.


Thank you Greg, for the informations.

And about the mouse enter/ mouse exit? (i imagine the same reason, it was removed)

How can i, for example, change a webbutton color? or a weblabel color?

Bootstrap offers several indicators (different colors for webbuttons) and you can access them here:

You can change the color here:

or you can use code and change other colors (like background):

Label1.Style.ForegroundColor = Color.Blue
Label1.Style.BackgroundColor = Color.Yellow

What do you want to do with mouse enter/exit? Maybe Tim’s webkit can help if you need to do something server-side or maybe Anthony has something that can be browser-side.

how to do the change when mouse enter and when mouse exit?

What change?
Color change/pointer change? maybe some CSS can help you.
Execute some code/evaluate something? maybe Tim’s webkit will help

You can change a control color upon mouse enter/ mouse exit using the CSS hover:

yep, i know that, but how/where i link the css?

xojo will have this functionality again, or only using css?