WebHook with Airtable


One of my supplier need to connect and get datas from me with Airtable. He wants to do it with a webhook. I started with a web App but could not get it to work and ended up with a desktop App.
Using postman I can reach my app and my app send back “200 OK” and postman receive it well.
When the supplier send datas with Airtable I can read them but Airtable times out because it never receive a feedback from me. I suppose it’s because “200 OK” is not what it expect to get…
Here is what I get from Airtable through http://MyIpAddress:8081/webhook

**POST /webhook HTTP/1.1Host: fc85924cb1724a38aa6a73be09ebc2bc-b542b3bb14b831c7-0User-Agent: ZapierAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, brAccept: /Connection: keep-aliveContent-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8Content-Length: 48x-datadog-trace-id: 2110273769097866701x-datadog-parent-id: 13390451017487162922x-datadog-sampling-priority: 1traceparent: 00-00000000000000001d4932cff1e72dcd-b9d4704137971e2a-01tracestate: dd=s:1{“”: “80”, “_1”: “70”, “_2”: “RGB”, “_3”: “24V”}

I am using a server socket listening to port 8081 and here’s the code in datavaialable

Var input As String = Me.ReadAll

Me.Write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK" + EndOfLine.CRLF)
Me.Write("Content-Type: text/plain" + EndOfLine.CRLF)
Me.Write("Connection: close" + EndOfLine.CRLF)
Me.Write(EndOfLine.CRLF)  // Marquer la fin des en-têtes avec CRLF



If input.IndexOf("POST") <> -1 Then
  // Afficher toute la requête brute reçue
  MessageBox("Requête brute reçue : " + EndOfLine + input)



I’m a little confused between your two posts, let’s clarify some basics:

  1. Which direction do you intend to communicate? From Airtable to Xojo? From Xojo to Airtable? Both?
  2. That successful message from Airtable, was that recieved by your Web App or Desktop App?
  3. You are able to successfully reach a Desktop TCPSocket but not a Web App?
  4. Not to be rude, just to really check, do you know how to use the HandleURL system to build a Webhook Listener? You have to respond with 200 so that Airtable knows the message was received.

We’re missing some key factor that’s causing you to have trouble listening to Airtable, but from your descriptions, I’m not quite sure what.

Hi Tim,

Thanks for you help :smile:
First, I have never heard about a webhook until a few days ago and I am not sure to really understand how it works
I use xojo to make small apps to help run my small business. One of them helps me to calculate custom product prices and make a drawing of them to send out to customers.
The supplier wants to use airtable to send to my App the datas to calculate the custom price and retrieve that price and the drawing. To my understanding it has to be in both direction.
For exemple you can see at the end of the post from Airtable 80, 70, RGB, 24V, these are datas to calculate the custom price. My idea was to retrieve the datas run my App to calculate the price and send out the price.
Therefore to your question 1, I would answer both direction.
2/ I could not manage so far to receive datas from postman or airtable with my web App
The desktop App works well, I can receive datas and postman receive the datas I send back

Me.Write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK" + EndOfLine.CRLF)

But airtable just time out saying it’s not getting answer back from me

3/ yes desktop works but not the web App

4/ You are right I have only use mojo to make a web app once and I did not have to use handleURL. But I have read you are supposed to send back 200 and I did in both APP

If Request.Method = "POST" Then
  // Récupérer les données du formulaire envoyées par le webhook
  Var largeur As String = Request.Parameter("largeur")
  Var hauteur As String = Request.Parameter("hauteur")
  Var couleur As String = Request.Parameter("couleur")
  Var type As String = Request.Parameter("type")
  // Construire le texte à afficher dans TFEcout
  Var texte As String = "Largeur: " + largeur + ", Hauteur: " + hauteur + ", Couleur: " + couleur + ", Type: " + type
  // Assigner la valeur au WebTextField appelé TFEcout
  Données.TFEcout.Value = texte
  // Répondre au serveur webhook avec un statut 200 et un message de succès
  Response.Status = 200
  Response.MIMEType = "text/plain"
  Response.Write("Données reçues avec succès")
  // Indiquer que la requête a été traitée avec succès
  Return True
End If

// Si ce n'est pas une requête POST, retourner False pour indiquer que la requête n'a pas été gérée
Return False

But in the web App I don’t even seem to receive the datas…

I hope things are more clear for you now.
Postman receive my answer 200 OK every time but not airtable. It’s why I thought maybe I needed to add some kind of ID in my answers instead of just 200 OK. Or maybe use json to answer?