Web Color Picker

Hi everyone,

I’ve made a Web Color Picker with WebControl SDK that could interest you if you ever searched for this type of component.
I’m using the new HTML5 color type witch doesn’t work on all browsers for now.
Chrome is OK and support for all browsers will come in the future, as related from W3C.

Here’s the link to the code :

It should very simple to use and understand, but if you have any questions, let me know…
And of course, please share any updates.

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Very nice !

Merci Valry :slight_smile:

Hello Valry,
Thanks for this control. I wonder how can I set the color value before the control is open or shown? It always starts black.

With 2016R1, Xojo has changed the WebStyle management with “-important” feature making impossible changing a webstyle attribute by js.
I’m trying to find a workaround to make it work again.