Web Application drawing

I am figure out if it possible to draw (drag mouse to draw) rectangle over the image as per drawing a selection rectangle.
I have not found mouse event at all on web application, like desktop application…
I have done in a desktop application, but I suspect that is not possible do on web application .
Is correct?

You could probably do it with a websdk. you will need some javascript knowledge anyway.
there could be a graffiti object that may do what you need.
asking @Anthony_G_Cyphers ?

For best performance, yes, you would build a WebSDK component. I don’t have anything like this. You could hack something together with GraffitiEventManager, but it’d be better as a self-contained component.

you can have a look at my simple esignature websdk, that takes a mouse clic and draws a point under it
but you will still have some work to do !

Thank you very much, I will take a look.

My though is that xojo web API2 need to cover all this matters, so developing for desktop may be similar to developing for web.


Web uses entirely different design concepts and you have to learn to use them or you will struggle all the way.

What you want to do (a mouse drag selection rectangle) is simply not an aspect of normal web apps. It has occasional uses in something like a layout designer, but that is not easy to achieve on the web and is quite uncommon. You should reconsider your design or hire a professional to help you achieve your goals.

You may get better answers here by describing the goals you want to achieve and not the technology you want to employ. Doing so will allow people to respond with ideas on how to achieve your goals – not how to turn your web app into a laggy reproduction of a desktop app.

Yes, Tim
I am investigating on the possibility to move my current destktop app to a web app, I see that the computation may be easy to move to the web side using xojo. But I have a windows, on the desktop version, where the user have the opportunity to select an area of the image to be processed drawing a rectangle on it.
Seams that using only xojo this is not possible.
My targhet is to use much as possible of the current code…

Thank you to every one

a webcanvas has a pressed event that you can use to detect a mouse down.
you could ask for first point of the rectangle, and then second point
web may be not fast enough to have a drag rectangle, but two clics can define a rectangle.