Hi Guys,
probably missed reading it somewhere however it appears that the originally called web page will relaunch once you call session.quit.
This is nice however is there a way to turn it off.
Hi Guys,
probably missed reading it somewhere however it appears that the originally called web page will relaunch once you call session.quit.
This is nice however is there a way to turn it off.
Redirect the user away from your app with ShowUrl before calling Session.Quit.
HI Greg,
trust you are well.
thanks again
Hi Greg,
is it a bug?
Is there anyway to get the “disconnect” message back short of making your own?
I don’t really want my system to load another page simply show the “normal” disconnected page with my message.
Hello all.
My apps will do that also. I fear it has to do with the use of EmbedWithin functions and when they are not specifically removed. I never know really when I have to remove them and when I do not. Bottom line, it appears to me at least that the problem is due to a lingering instance of the program/object.
[quote=354084:@Tim Seyfarth]Hello all.
My apps will do that also. I fear it has to do with the use of EmbedWithin functions and when they are not specifically removed. I never know really when I have to remove them and when I do not. Bottom line, it appears to me at least that the problem is due to a lingering instance of the program/object.
Its not that.
We added a feature in 2017r2 to have sessions that get disconnected to automatically reconnect so if your app goes offline or is too busy for a moment, users dont just get shut out.
Calling Session.Quit should be disabling this mechanism.
I created a test webapp: one default page with one button on it. In the action event of the button, the only code line is “Session.Quit”. That’s all. Clicking the button does end the current session, but the browser reconnects immediately. This is with the webapp running in the IDE. 2017 R2.1 on Windows 10, with either Chrome or Edge.
I expected the session to just quit and not reconnect. Did I misunderstand, or should I log a feedback case?
My app will quit occassionally, the rest of the time it re-opens (in the same tab). There is no timeout occurring since it is actively used. But, in my case, it normally requires opening a second page.
I don’t think I have that code in my app, will add and reply with results.
No report needed. I verified the behavior already today and filed a bug report myself.