Web 2.0 IDE quiz

One of the following is a WebTextField. The other is a date picker.

Which is which?


Simple, the one where localization is not always working properly is the date picker :-). More seriously, since I dived a bit into the WebSDK, I noticed that drawing any control slows down the IDE a bit, that’s probably the reason they have minimized all drawings in the IDE to a minimum. But I agree that this is a bit too much.


mmmmm, the lower one? :scream:

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Both, or, neither. Or one or the other.


Bootstrap datepicker has an option for ‘Component’ type, maybe Xojo can add that as a setting on a future release?

This is how it looks:

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I love this answer :slightly_smiling_face:

Granted. Perhaps just colourise both differently or show a textual name to differentiate them, if drawing them is too complex?

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