Visualization of the time

Hi to everybody,
I am using next code to show the time

Hora = (Str(d.Hour)) + “:” + (Str(d.Minute)) + “:” + (Str(d.Second))
Label12.Text = Hora

You can see the time with this format: 2:3:7 I would like to see the time with 2 digits in all fields, like this example: 02:03:07

Anybody can help me ?
Thanks in advance

Hora = Format(d.Hour,“00”) + “:” + Format(d.Minute,“00”) + “:” + Format(d.Second,“00”)

You could use the ShortTime or LongTime properties of the date class, or specify a pattern to Str:

Hora = (Str(d.Hour, "00")) + ":" + (Str(d.Minute, "00")) + ":" + (Str(d.Second, "00"))
