This is a new problem on my Windows 10 machine. Using Inno Setup to build an installer it errors on this line:
; This specifies the Visual C++ Windows Runtime Redistributable to also install because
; it is required by Xojo apps made with 2016r1 or later.
Source: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Xojo\\Xojo 2017r2\\Extras\\Windows Runtime\\Installers\\VC_redist.x64.exe"; DestDir: {tmp}
The file is there. This script is taken from the Xojo docs and has been working.
This morning I ran the Windows updater and I am now running Windows 10 Home v1703 Build 15063.632
I do have Xojo 2017r2.1… Oops! I just noticed the 2.1. That’s the problem. Works now. Might as well post this as someone else may run into this.