Julian ones provided the below code to have vibrancy windows on Windows.
This code only seems to work when you compile to 32bit. It doesn’t when compiling to 64bit.
Two questions:
How to get this to work for 64bit?
How can we do this vibrancy only on a part of the window (so not the full window)?
Self.BackgroundColor = &c00000000 'use black so it looks “ok”, not sure alpha is implemented in the framework here
Self.HasBackgroundColor = True
That’s interesting. I’ve no solution for this, but this could be interesting for @Xojo (@Greg_O_Lone) to make the Navigator and Project Window on also translucent on Windows like it is for years in macOS to make the IDE more consistent.
Maybe they can add on optional property to Window/ContainerControl/Canvas for us users. What do you think @Greg_O_Lone?
It would be great if we could do this for the Canvas control. On macOS this is already possible with declares.
For sure it would make Windows app look modern.
The ptr is 8 byte in 64-bit for sure.
Not sure if C compiler aligns it to 8 byte for this structure as I can’t find it’s definition. But you could try with various settings.