Version Control

How do I assign and control a version number in my xojo application and use an about box to display this info?

Version control can be found in the Shared → Build Settings

Create a popup window with a text field.
At the event handler Open put some code like this:

// Show version number
Me.Text = "Version " + Str( App.MajorVersion ) + "." + Str( App.MinorVersion )
If App.BugVersion <> 0 Then
  Me.Text = Me.Text + "." + Str( App.BugVersion )
End If

Thanks very much Paul. What is the proper way to set and control this App version info for new builds as the app is developed?

I would start with Major Version 0 and use Minor version numbering 1, 2, 3, etc. while the Stage code is Development.
When the version has reached it’s final stage, I would update the Major Version to 1.
Then start working on Major Version 1 and Minor version numbering 1, 2, 3, etc. for updates.
Then use the Bug Version when the Stage code is Development.

Just my 2 cents.
I would also consider using Auto Increment Version.

See also Help --> User Guide --> Book 1: Fundamentals --> Page 158

Thanks again Paul. How do I get to this Version dialog? I don’t seem to be able to find it in xojo? Or, is this something I have to setup myself?

Click on Build Settings -> Shared in the Navigator:

Paul, thanks for clearing up my Version control questions.

Like I said in my first reaction. :wink: