VB or C# Code to Xojo Apiary API

Hi Xojo Friends i have a problem here i want to use a C# or VB Code in Xojo i want to run an api from apiary, http://docs.splynx.apiary.io/#introduction/authentication make the authentication and send a request of GET or POST

GET, fill same name of the columns i need to get from the API
POST, send data from my app to the API

let me know if can help me with that

According to the documentation in: Splynx API v2.0 · Apiary it’s all restful commands (Splynx API v2.0 · Apiary)

Seems all coding can be done with: HTTPSocket (http://documentation.xojo.com/index.php/HTTPSocket) or HTTPSecureSocket (http://documentation.xojo.com/index.php/HTTPSecureSocket)

Can you tell me an example of how to post and how to get in text field ?

Examples on this page:


You can also use Xojo.Crypto to create your signature http://developer.xojo.com/xojo-crypto.

Hi Jeff, Hi Wayne, i just need the header signature and the connection string for proceed with this or i need to buy xojo support ?

Xojo support wont be able to help with $api_secret and similar

If you are lucky you may find that someone reads this and has used APIARY before, and can show you how they pass the security information.
Do you actually already have working login details?
Their example shows this:

$key = “3d052b922dc2f44d1d03d957ff5691ba”; // please set your key – this would be replaced by YOUR key Alvin
$secret = “4d944c2d4d55bd78a1af0f6b8d5958af”; // please set your secret – this would be YOUR password Alvin

$api = new SplynxAPI($api_url, $key, $secret);[/code]

so these would be the values in the dictionary in the Xojo examples, yes?

Hi i triying to use the Xojo Feedbin Example but they dont allow me to use $key or $secret just name and password

The basic here i need to pass this php code to xojo using the HTTPSocket and Json

<?php $api_key = 'API_KEY'; $api_secret = 'API_SECRET'; $nonce = round(microtime(true) * 100); $signature = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha256', $nonce . $api_key, $api_secret)); $auth_data = array( 'key' => $api_key, 'signature' => $signature, 'nonce' => $nonce++ ); $auth_string = http_build_query($auth_data); $header = 'Authorization: Splynx-EA (' . $auth_string . ')'; for send GET and POST Request to my Splynx Server