Valentina Studio


I installed Valentina for REALbasic studio. How do I install it?
I did as instructed. What next? Where can I find the controls that are part of the studio?

I need something easy to work with and so far the reports I’ve read, it is easy to Valentina Studio.
Unfortunately, the instructions are not understandable written. At least for me as a beginner with Xojo.



aha, you want reports.
I think you need to start read on this WIKI page
link text

Also you can check FAQs about Valentina Reports

Also you can later watch few Video Tutorials about how to design reports in Valentina Studio.

Reports, prepared in Valentina Studio are stored in the *.vsp file – Valentina Project. You can use it in your RB/Xojo application to generate reports in format you want from database you want. Same report can be generated from different datasources.

In your code you need operate only by 2 very simple classes:

  • VProject
  • VReport

Note, that controls of Valentina Studio do not exists in your app.

If something is not clear in wiki, you are welcome point page and part of text … We will try make it better than.

You can contact me directly at ruslan_zasukhin @at@