Using ChatGPT in Xojo

From time to time we get asked to provide an example for ChatGPT. Since this is just another web service, we can just handle it with the MBS Xojo CURL Plugin. But since we don’t like to block the user interface while ChatGPT processes the request, we use our CURLSMultiMBS class to run it in the background. Later when finished, it performs a delegate to call our Finished method to process the result.

The request is build with the JSONItem class to fill in the various values. We include a system message with the request, e.g. “Please translate text to English.” and then pass the text to translate in the user role. This way the user should not be able to provide instructions to the LLM in their text.

To test the project, please get an account for OpenAI. In the headers we need to pass your organization ID from and the bearer token you got there. Each query will use some tokens, but we limit the answer to 100 tokens.

Here is the full method to start the query:

Sub RunQuery()
	Dim curl As New CURLSMBS
	dim MessageSystem as new JSONItem
	MessageSystem.Value("role") = "system"
	MessageSystem.Value("content") = SystemField.Text
	dim MessageUser as new JSONItem
	MessageUser.Value("role") = "user"
	MessageUser.Value("content") = UserField.Text
	dim messages as new JSONItem
	messages.Add MessageSystem
	messages.Add MessageUser
	dim j as new JSONItem
	j.Value("model") = "gpt-4o-mini"
	j.Value("max_tokens") = 100
	j.Value("messages") = messages
	curl.SetOptionHTTPHeader _
			"OpenAI-Organization: " +OrganizationField.text, _
			"Authorization: Bearer " +BearerTokenField.text, _
			"Content-Type: application/json" )
	curl.OptionPostFields = j.ToString
	curl.OptionURL = ""
	call CURLSMultiMBS.SharedInstance.AddCURL curl, AddressOf Finished
End Sub

Here is the finished method, which gets called when the transfer is done. The script parameter is the CURL session reference number. We query debug messages and the result as JSON. We can then pick the output message from the JSON and show it in the field:

Sub Finished(curl as CURLSMBS, ErrorCode as Integer)
	// we got a result asynchronously
	ResultLabel.Text = ErrorCode.ToString+" "+curl.LastErrorText
	DebugField.Text = curl.DebugMessages
	ResultField.Text = curl.OutputData
	RunButton.Enabled = true
	Dim j As New JSONItem(curl.OutputData)
	If j.HasKey("choices") Then
		Dim choices As JSONItem = j.Value("choices")
		Dim choice As JSONItem = choices.ChildAt(0)
		Dim message As JSONItem = choice.Value("message")
		Dim content As String = message.Value("content")
		ResultField.Text = content
	End If
	Exception je As JSONException
	// handle?
End Sub

Please try and see whether this can help you add ChatGPT to the projects. Translation is a good thing and you can even specify whether you like formal or informal text. We will include the example file with the next plugin for you to use.


You know I’m fine using plugins when I need to, but is there something CURLMBS offers here for interacting with the ChatGPT API that URLConnection does not?

The blog article is about showing how to do it with CURL functions.

While normal people may not see a difference, some clients may enjoy some of CURL’s options for proxy handling, TLS or DNS options and go around Apple’s NSURL security limitations.


You can ask ChatGPT to convert the code to use URLConnection.

Sorry, I couldn’t resist. URLConnection should be fine.


I use chatgpt + customized AI models (GPT’s) focused on medicine within my app. Uses URLConnection inside a custom server control… works like a breeze, nothing else is needed.

Initial Q&A screen

Previous questions & chats stored per user


Hello Svein,

are you sharing the Code?

Regards Thomas

Hello Christian,

do you have plans to use CURL in Android?

Regards Thomas

Sorry, but we have not yet seen a Plugin SDK for Android.

Thanks Christian,

I did not notice that! I will try a HtmlViewer.

Hello Sveinn, I solved it.
I have seen in the moment the URLonnection.

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Glad to hear, I can provide you with code samples in PM if you need.

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Hello Sveinn, it would be great to have some code to learn how to use CHATGPT-4o.

Thank you for your help