Can someone help me format this string “for i in turing-??.png; do tesseract “$i” “text-$i” -l eng; done;” to work in a Shell on Linux. It is giving me a compile error when I leave the double quotes inside of the text. If I remove the quotes it does not return a text file. I made sure that the png files are in the correct Xojo folder. It should perform a loop to read each turing-??.png file and send to tesseract to extract text and save each one to a text file of the same name as the turing file.
I figured it out. You have to add extra double quotes like the “”$i"".
Yes, as you found out.
Var str As String = "for i in turing-??.png; do tesseract ""$i"" ""text-$i"" -l eng; done;"