User location

Struggling with the documentation provided to this topic. What is the best way to get the location? Thanks!

If you use MBS Xojo Plugins, we’d have CoreLocation classes to request location.

Let me know if you have questions about them.

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This is such a “beautiful” solution, simple and efficient! Why Xojo, doesn’t simply acquire your stuff and includes it? Thank you Christian for the amazing MBS Xojo Plugins!

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So we can go to Xojo conferences in both the USA and Germany!


:joy:… Nice way of thinking, David!

You can find several project examples from the IDE dealing with Location on iOS, using for that the Location classes included in the framework :person_shrugging:t2:


Thank you, Javier! Sorry my fault, I couldn’t find a solution in the documentation or forum, I love Xojo and appreciate your response! :pray:t2: I guess the younger ones grasp the new principles and ideas faster… :joy:

The first response to your question should have been “it’s built-in to the framework”. I Googled “xojo ios location” and the first link gives you what you need. I often find simply Googling a phrase like that more efficient than searching with the documentation - it’s faster, and pulls in stuff from the blog and forum too.

@Javier_Menendez mentioned the examples. Start at Platforms > iOS > Location in the example list, and a basic example works out of the box. There is also Geofencing and Visits in that list.