It does not work change user agent in html viewer Control, the code in the open event is the example code that appears in the manual.
I come from c ++,I miss many things,Me pregunto si se puede crear clases desde cero utilizando slo el idioma realbasic sin recurrir a ++ c?.
sorry error tranlate
I wonder if you can create classes from scratch using only the xojo language without resorting to c ++?
You need to provide more information for anyone to be able to help.
Information you may find useful:
<> HTMLViewer.UserAgent cannot be set in Windows when using Webkit renderer
Page Not Found — Xojo documentation HTMLViewer.UserAgent is not available on Linux.
my system is Windows 10, webkit use because not render the native load nothing
if me.IsAvailable then
dim agent as string
agent = “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0 Safari/533.16”
me.UserAgent = agent
end if
This is the sample code that appears in the manual, change the information mac for windows but does not take efeto
Would you have a less general example ?
a class to use the ftp protocol without having to pay MonkeyBread, a class to create modern interfaces, (I do not want the canvas class because that class does not do what I want).
a class that allows me to use gecko or blink, a few clsES that allow an application can load patches or plug-ins, a class that allows me to identify the equipment so unique, all these features do not want to program them xojo on C ++, I do not want to make additional payments for these features
- FTP: Search for it, it’s somewhere around here. You may end up using Shell on Mac.
- Modern Interfaces: You will have to use Canvas if you’re drawing stuff that doesn’t exist already.
- HTML Viewer engine: File a feedback feature request. The “WebKit” renderer on Windows does use blink, but it’s like Chromium 16 or something - so old it causes issues for me with my HTMLEdit control.
- Not sure about patches. Have you searched yet? I don’t think you’ll have a lot of success because we’re not allowed to modify the Xojo runtime, it’s a violation of the EULA.
- UUID code is available, search the forums.
In regard to your final statement, while some use Xojo casually and for hobbies there are those of us that use it to make a living professionally. You cannot expect that code is free. You may find code snippets for free from some individuals, but there are components that developers have spent a lot of time on and charge for them so that they can eat and pay rent.
You mentioned a background in C++ so if you are not willing to pay for existing components, you are free to write a plugin yourself - the SDK is included with the Xojo download.
the problem is that I paid 799 dollars for the license xojo, I can not pay 1000 dollars for classes monkeyvread, I do not want to use c ++ because for that purpose would not use xojo not you think?
Juan Carlos, I think you may be asking Xojo to do things it was not intended for.
The main advantage of Xojo is rapid application development. It is a superb tool to rapidly and easily design super applications in very little time.
But it was never conceived as a low level development tool, like C++ is. In other words, Xojo is not a Jeep to drive in the mud, it is a very decent city car.
But still, Xojo actually provides the plugin SDK, which lets you create in C++ all what you describe. You can even implement blink. See PluginsSDK in the Extras folder, next to the Xojo executable.
This will not cost you anything extra, as you can use Visual Studio Community Edition which is free.
For UUID, you may want to try