Complete beginner here, UI designer with no coding experience.
I’m using Mac, want to create a flat button with icon and text. The bevel button can insert icon with text, but i cannot remove the bevel effect.
So I use the canvas to create the flat button, and add event handler “Paint” to set color and text, is there any way to inert a icon image in the button too?
You may change the Canvas Name to, say, cClear (for example).
You may also add a Folder in the navigation pane and place all your images there…
You can place your window in a folder, add a sub-folder with all images related to that window.
Thses will be easier later to modify things when everything for a giving window is in the same object in the Navigation Pane.
Public Const Blume as String = ":blossom:" // You need the quotes here.
g.FontSize = 30
It would also be best to place any code inside ```