URLConnection FileReceived

I’m trying to get the file folderitem from the URLConnection below. I can see that the content is there in the content received event but nothing seems to fire in the FileReceived event where I can see I can access the File folderitem. How do I get this event to action?

FileLoadSocket.Send("GET", "https://www.rushsoftware.com.au/Files/CWPTest.cwptext")

The way you are using you will get the ContentReceived() event, not file.
To store the received content in a file, you should use the destination file parameter

Var outputFile As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Documents.Child("CWPTest.cwptext")
FileLoadSocket.Send("GET", " https://www.rushsoftware.com.au/Files/CWPTest.cwptext", outputFile)
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Thanks Rick

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