Uniformity in API2?

in mobiledatetimepicker, are two properties : minimumdate and maximumdate
to set the max and min dates allowed to display in the picker

in Web 2, so API2, the webdatepicker has the properties : startdate and enddate
to set the same max and min dates allowed to display in the picker

why haven’t these properties the same names between web and mobile ?

You should create a feedback case. I also created one two days ago about UI inconsistency.

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Why those properties are not available for desktop?

in the datetimepicker control, you also have a maximumdate and minimumdate properties, like mobile, but unlike web.

Sorry, I was thinking about the IDE:
Whey use ‘Earliest Date’ here and not ‘Start Date’, ‘Latest Date’ instead of ‘End Date’?


It’s an error that’s being corrected. The Web one is wrong.

We already have a case.