Okay, I’m sure this is very much a simple question and I’m sure I am missing something, but I’m still thinking I’m not doing something right here.
I am reading weather data from a Davis weather station via their WeatherLink API. This is all working well. The API returns the data from the weather station as a whole huge block of JSON. Fair enough.
However, where I’m struggling is the proper way to get the data I need out of the JSON. I’m very inexperienced when it comes to parsing JSON. I’ve read through the docs and a few online tutorials, but I still think something isn’t clicking for me. The code I’m using to get what I need seems very kludgy and very “brute force”. This just doesn’t seem right.
Here’s the code I’m using to get where I need to be. Please be kind. I know this is probably very ugly.
Var CurrentData as Dictionary = DataRetriever.JSONDataHolder
// DataRetriever is a custom class that contains other properties.
// JSONDataHolder is the variant that contains the results of the ParseJSON function.
Var Sensors() as Variant = CurrentData.Value( "sensors" )
Var WeatherData as Dictionary = Sensors( 3 )
Var WeatherReadings() as Variant = WeatherData.Value( "data" )
Var WeatherDict as Dictionary = WeatherReadings( 0 )
Var Temp as Double = WeatherDict.Value( "temp" )
Var HeatIndex as Double = WeatherDict.Value( "heat_index" )
Var WindChill as Double = WeatherDict.Value( "wind_chill" )
Var WindSpeed as Double = WeatherDict.Value( "wind_speed_last" )
Var WindDirection as Integer = WeatherDict.Value( "wind_dir_last" )
Var WindGust as Double = WeatherDict.Value( "wind_speed_hi_last_10_min" )
Var WindGustDirection as Integer = WeatherDict.Value( "wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min" )
Var DewPoint as Double = WeatherDict.Value( "dew_point" )
Var Humidity as Double = WeatherDict.Value( "hum" )
And, for reference, here is an example of the returned JSON (I should point out that this is sample data from the WeatherLink API reference guide, not real data supplied by the weather station in question):
"station_id": 374964,
"sensors": [
"lsid": 5271270,
"data": [
"ip_v4_netmask": "",
"battery_voltage": 70,
"wifi_rssi": -70,
"network_error": 2,
"ip_v4_gateway": "",
"rapid_records_sent": 138,
"firmware_version": 1559767913,
"uptime": 5376092,
"touchpad_wakeups": 27,
"ip_v4_address": "",
"bootloader_version": 1550707628,
"local_api_queries": 4,
"rx_bytes": 342707,
"health_version": 1,
"radio_version": 621020416,
"espressif_version": 1534381024,
"ip_address_type": 1,
"link_uptime": 774880,
"network_type": 1,
"input_voltage": 4686,
"tx_bytes": 3823085,
"ts": 1565656200
"sensor_type": 504,
"data_structure_type": 15
"lsid": 5271273,
"sensor_type": 45,
"data_structure_type": 10,
"data": [{
"ts": 1558741927,
"tx_id": 1,
"wind_speed_hi_last_2_min": 5,
"hum": 42.7,
"wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min": 260,
"wind_chill": 73.3,
"rain_rate_hi_last_15_min_clicks": 0,
"thw_index": 72.2,
"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_10_min": 221,
"rain_size": 1,
"uv_index": 2.3,
"wind_speed_last": 4,
"rainfall_last_60_min_clicks": 0,
"wet_bulb": 55.8,
"rainfall_monthly_clicks": 117,
"wind_speed_avg_last_10_min": 3.56,
"wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_2_min": 225,
"rainfall_daily_in": 0,
"wind_dir_last": 195,
"rainfall_daily_mm": 0,
"rain_storm_last_clicks": 22,
"rain_storm_last_start_at": 1558428061,
"rain_rate_hi_clicks": 0,
"rainfall_last_15_min_in": 0,
"rainfall_daily_clicks": 0,
"dew_point": 49.3,
"rainfall_last_15_min_mm": 0,
"rain_rate_hi_in": 0,
"rain_storm_clicks": 0,
"rain_rate_hi_mm": 0,
"rainfall_year_clicks": 117,
"rain_storm_in": 0,
"rain_storm_last_end_at": 1558576860,
"rain_storm_mm": 0,
"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_2_min": 222,
"heat_index": 72.2,
"rainfall_last_24_hr_in": 0,
"rainfall_last_60_min_mm": 0,
"rainfall_last_60_min_in": 0,
"rain_storm_start_time": null,
"rainfall_last_24_hr_mm": 0,
"rainfall_year_in": 1.17,
"wind_speed_hi_last_10_min": 6,
"rainfall_last_15_min_clicks": 0,
"rainfall_year_mm": 29.718,
"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_1_min": 214,
"temp": 73.3,
"wind_speed_avg_last_2_min": 3.18,
"solar_rad": 598,
"rainfall_monthly_mm": 29.718,
"rain_storm_last_mm": 5.588,
"wind_speed_avg_last_1_min": 3.37,
"thsw_index": 72.6,
"rainfall_monthly_in": 1.17,
"rain_rate_last_mm": 0,
"rain_rate_last_clicks": 0,
"rainfall_last_24_hr_clicks": 0,
"rain_storm_last_in": 0.22,
"rain_rate_last_in": 0,
"rain_rate_hi_last_15_min_mm": 0,
"rain_rate_hi_last_15_min_in": 0
"lsid": 5271271,
"sensor_type": 242,
"data_structure_type": 12,
"data": [{
"ts": 1558741927,
"bar_absolute": 29.515,
"bar_sea_level": 29.61,
"bar_offset": -0.001,
"bar_trend": -0.063
"lsid": 5271399,
"sensor_type": 37,
"data_structure_type": 10,
"data": [{
"ts": 1558741927,
"tx_id": 2,
"wind_speed_hi_last_2_min": 3.93,
"hum": 53.7,
"wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min": 266,
"wind_chill": 73.6,
"rain_rate_hi_last_15_min_clicks": 0,
"thw_index": 73.5,
"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_10_min": 242,
"rain_size": 1,
"uv_index": null,
"wind_speed_last": 3.37,
"rainfall_last_60_min_clicks": 0,
"wet_bulb": 60.6,
"rainfall_monthly_clicks": 238,
"wind_speed_avg_last_10_min": 2.81,
"wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_2_min": 223,
"rainfall_daily_in": 0,
"wind_dir_last": 233,
"rainfall_daily_mm": 0,
"rain_storm_last_clicks": 22,
"rain_storm_last_start_at": 1558428661,
"rain_rate_hi_clicks": 0,
"rainfall_last_15_min_in": 0,
"rainfall_daily_clicks": 0,
"dew_point": 55.8,
"rainfall_last_15_min_mm": 0,
"rain_rate_hi_in": 0,
"rain_storm_clicks": 0,
"rain_rate_hi_mm": 0,
"rainfall_year_clicks": 238,
"rain_storm_in": 0,
"rain_storm_last_end_at": 1558555260,
"rain_storm_mm": 0,
"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_2_min": 237,
"heat_index": 73.5,
"rainfall_last_24_hr_in": 0,
"rainfall_last_60_min_mm": 0,
"rainfall_last_60_min_in": 0,
"rain_storm_start_time": null,
"rainfall_last_24_hr_mm": 0,
"rainfall_year_in": 2.38,
"wind_speed_hi_last_10_min": 5.37,
"rainfall_last_15_min_clicks": 0,
"rainfall_year_mm": 60.452,
"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_1_min": 231,
"temp": 73.6,
"wind_speed_avg_last_2_min": 2.56,
"solar_rad": null,
"rainfall_monthly_mm": 60.452,
"rain_storm_last_mm": 5.588,
"wind_speed_avg_last_1_min": 2.75,
"thsw_index": null,
"rainfall_monthly_in": 2.38,
"rain_rate_last_mm": 0,
"rain_rate_last_clicks": 0,
"rainfall_last_24_hr_clicks": 0,
"rain_storm_last_in": 0.22,
"rain_rate_last_in": 0,
"rain_rate_hi_last_15_min_mm": 0,
"rain_rate_hi_last_15_min_in": 0
"generated_at": 1558741957
That first section of my code is the only way I can figure out how to drill down to the section of the JSON I need. But, it seems very much ugly to me and I’m sure I’m missing something.
I hope this makes sense. Does anyone have any feedback here or suggestions for improvements?