Could anyone advise me why I am getting an Unable To Prepare Statement error?
When I select a listbox row - the content (name of the note) gets set into a property called NoteSelected.
When I double click - I am presented with a window where a NEW note name can be set. When the proceed button is clicked - the code below SHOULD rename all column values which have the same value as NoteSelected - to the text contained in NameField.text.
[code]// --------------------------------------- DATABASE CONNECTED, SO UPDATE ALL ROWS WHICH CONTAIN THE ORIGINAL NAME
Dim ps As SQLitePreparedStatement = NotesDB.Prepare(“UPDATE Notes SET NoteName=?, WHERE NoteName=?”)
ps.BindType(0, SQLitePreparedStatement.SQLITE_TEXT)
ps.BindType(1, SQLitePreparedStatement.SQLITE_TEXT)
ps.Bind(0, ChangeNoteNameWindow.NameField.text)
ps.Bind(1, NoteSelected)
Dim ps As SQLitePreparedStatement
ps = SQLitePreparedStatement(NotesDB.Prepare("UPDATE Notes SET NoteName='something' WHERE NoteName='something else'"))
i.e. take out the parameters, and see if that works; if not, it’s a problem in the query.
I had a fiddle with my code regarding the connection.
When I use this:
call NotesDB.SQLExecute("UPDATE Notes SET NoteName='something' WHERE NoteName='something else'")
Nothing happens as expected (due to no columns containing a value of “something else”).
At least this works and I get no errors - so I know my connection is fine
However, when I adapt that line of code to this:
call NotesDB.SQLExecute("UPDATE Notes SET NoteName='something' WHERE NoteName=NoteSelected")
I get an error saying: Error: 1 - no such column: NoteSelected
When I use my original code again:
Dim ps As SQLitePreparedStatement = NotesDB.Prepare("UPDATE Notes SET NoteName=?, WHERE NoteName=?")
ps.BindType(0, SQLitePreparedStatement.SQLITE_TEXT)
ps.BindType(1, SQLitePreparedStatement.SQLITE_TEXT)
ps.Bind(0, ChangeNoteNameWindow.NameField.text)
ps.Bind(1, NoteSelected)
I get the error: Error: 1 - Unable to prepare statement
Albin - when I use that, it works correctly
Any idea why that line of code works, but my prepared statement fails (they are both using the NoteSelected property value)?
call NotesDB.SQLExecute("UPDATE Notes SET NoteName='" + ChangeNoteNameWindow.NameField.text + "' WHERE NoteName='" + NoteSelected + "';")
But this doesn’t:
Dim ps As SQLitePreparedStatement = NotesDB.Prepare("UPDATE Notes SET NoteName=?, WHERE NoteName=?")
ps.BindType(0, SQLitePreparedStatement.SQLITE_TEXT)
ps.BindType(1, SQLitePreparedStatement.SQLITE_TEXT)
ps.Bind(0, ChangeNoteNameWindow.NameField.text)
ps.Bind(1, NoteSelected)
Your new prepared statement produced no error message - but also changed nothing
There is definitely something VAJSING with the bindings