Unable to create any MySQL connects under Xojo 2013 -3.3


i use Xojo 2013 3.3 for the reason that Xojo is not compatible with Centos 5. :frowning:
I use a WebApp and impossible to create a method or add a MySQL connection!
When i launch my app. I’ve this message on FireFoxe.

Unable to launch application ‘IT-Campaign’ on port 8090

I put this into Open event under Webapp1 :

Dim db As New MySQLCommunityServer db.Host = "" db.Port = 3306 db.DatabaseName = "camp" db.UserName = "root" db.Password = "x"

If i delete the content, the web app is launching without any problem.

I don’t understand why it doesn’t work.

What´s about sessions?
In ActiveRecord for WebApp I must do the Open in sessions too.

Ok thanks for your reply Frank

This code is already in Open under WebApp1
When i launch the project from Xojo for test, All is right.

I clic on Generate and next, i send the project into my server and i’ve got this message.

Unable to launch application ‘IT-Campaign’ on port 8090

It’s always a mystery with Xojo. Pffff.

I found!

libz library was missing in my server.

Ok Frank.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks for you help in any cases

Have a good week-end.