UIAlertController (formerly UIActionSheet) methods?

@Ulrich Bogun I am unable to publish an update to my app via iTunes Connect since adding iOSLib. After uploading the app I receive an email from iTunes Connect containing this:

I’m sorry, Jason. I remember Nic Kolbe told me a similar thing he could handle by renaming some methods. As I am still on vacation with a very shaky internet connection: Could you ask him for advice in this case? And maybe forward me the appropriate class so I’ll fix it (still don’t know why Apple cares about the names) in the lib next week?

Thank you!

No problem Ulrich. I removed iOSLib temporarily in order to submit my update and I’ll add it back in when you’ve had a chance to take a look. The declare selectors are listed in my post, above. Enjoy your vacation! :slight_smile:

I am yet to attempt publishing my app. Hoping to do it later this week. If there is a need to fix the mentioned declare items, please keep me posted too

You won’t get as far as publishing. The binary analysis will fail unless you rename the methods.

This should be fixed now, with the exception of timeStamp which is not a private property but an official one forUIEvents (I hope this was just a fault of Apple’s check caused by the other errors). In the other cases, it wasn’t about renaming the methods but I had not noticed there were differences between properties and initializers for Mac OS and iOS. I added the iOS methods now in pragmas. If you should encounter further problems, please let me know.
This time I checked the demo projects do still run too :wink:

I used UIAlertController in my project . But here I placed button on container control which placed on Scrollable area.
UIAlertController.presentINView(view as iOSView) method displays alerts in that view. But i Dont know how to access parent view of button which is placed on container control.Please any one help to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance.