Two strange errors after upgrading to 2023r4

I’m getting two errors trying to run my iOS app using 2023r4 and hopefully somebody has a helpful suggestion! :slight_smile:

I have used a screenshot as I can’t quite make out what the error messages are.

Worryingly, when I try going back to 2023r3.1, where I was previously able to run my app, I now get the same errors there.

Edit: I discovered you can right-click on the error and copy it. This seems like the relevant part:

			<string>The operation couldn’t be completed. Failed to locate any simulator runtime matching options: {
    BuildVersionString = 21C52;
    Platforms =     (
    VersionString = "17.2";

I’m going to re-download the iOS 17.2 simulator and will report back.

Sorry, false alarm. It turns out there was an Xcode update between the last time I ran my project using 2023r3.1 and this time with 2023r4. Something happened to the iOS 17.2 simulator and deleting and reinstalling it has fixed the problem. This is the second time I’ve had to do that but the error messages from Xojo were quite different on each occasion so it wasn’t immediately obvious to me.

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