I am trying to update a row in a Database with no Luck. When I last used XOJO it was RealStudio. Any Ideas why this will NOT Work
There is data in Database:
Mins | Password
30:00 | TestPassword
InptBox_Minutes.text = 30:00
Dim LockdownDB As New SQLiteDatabase
LockdownDB.DatabaseFile = SpecialFolder.Documents.Child("MyDatabases").Child("LockdownDB.sqlite")
Dim sqlSavePassword as String
sqlSavePassword = "select Mins,Password from LockdownStore where Mins = '" + InptBox_Minutes.Text + "'"
If LockdownDB.Connect Then
Dim DatabaseEditSet as RecordSet = LockdownDB.SQLSelect(sqlSavePassword)
DatabaseEditSet.Field("Password").StringValue = trim(InptBox_Password.Text)
MsgBox("Error: " + LockdownDB.ErrorMessage)
end if
In DEBUG the SQLQuery is being built fine
select Mins,Password from LockdownStore where Mins = '30:00'
To add to Jean-Yves reply, add “rowid” to your SELECT statement and it should work.
Also, in that code, you only checking for an error on Connect, but you probably get it after Update or Commit.
But you should not be selecting data like this as you’re opening yourself up to SQL injection or errors. Use a Prepared Statement instead. And while you’re at it, you can use a Prepared Statement to update the data too and bypass this issue entirely.
That example looks pretty simple to me, so let’s try it this way…
The point of a Prepared Statement it to use placeholders for the data so the statement can’t be modified by the data. In your code above, it would look something like this:
dim psUpdate as PreparedSQLStatement = LockdownDB.Prepare( _
"UPDATE LockdownStore SET password = ? WHERE Mins = ?" )
psUpdate.BindType 0, SQLitePreparedStatement.SQLITE_TEXT
psUpdate.BindType 1, SQLitePreparedStatement.SQLITE_TEXT
psUpdate.SQLExecute InptBox_Password.Text, InptBox_Minutes.Text
// Check for errors
(Not tested so allow for errors and typos.)
The “?” take the place of the data which you subsequently bind to the statement. Does that make sense?