How are you supposed to deal with “iosScrollable” area?
I placed one on the screen. stretched so it was really long… added 3 text fields, one at the top one in the middle and one way down at the bottom
and it won’t let me place any thing more that 1983px from the top???
Yes. iOSScrollableArea takes one control, its content property, which is an iOSContainerControl. So, put your layout out on a container and make that container the content of your scrollable area.
So you have to create an independant view and insert that onto an already existing Scrollable View?
And if I read that example right… you have to join the two in code, not the IDE?
[quote=425750:@Dave S]but to be honest it is difficult.
How are you supposed to deal with “iosScrollable” area?
I placed one on the screen. stretched so it was really long… added 3 text fields, one at the top one in the middle and one way down at the bottom
and it won’t let me place any thing more that 1983px from the top???
but it won’t scroll… when I run it
am I going about this all wrong?[/quote]
What you would need to do is to create a ContainerControl with all your controls in it at the full height. Then Drop the ScrollableArea to your UI and under Behavior, set the Content to your Container Control. If the Container Control is taller than the ScrollableArea, your contents would scroll. You wouldn’t see scrollbars as with the desktop apps.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that “Xojo for iOS” requires the use of two “view/containers” when one would do. In Swift, you just place things directly into the UIScrollView… guess my bias is going to be more difficult to overcome